Saturday, 12 July 2014

It's Over ! Give it All Back!!

Ha! This is one has me cracking up all the time because both men and women react the same way when a recent Ex asks for everything they ever gave you back! "How dare he say that with all the twerking I did in the bedroom?!!" Lool yes my dear! he dares says so!


Now I'm going to be on the fence with this because I really think it depends on the history of the relationship and circumstances of the break up! There are things you should give back for example an engagement ring, that's too much history to keep a hold of and that would only hold you back ! look at it as a gesture of   an amicable break up! If the "white picked fence home, with two perfect kids and a dog" dream came crumbling down and  he cheated on you with your sister or best friend  pawn that diamond and book yourself a spa weekend or better yet buy you some designer shoes! 

Or ... and its's a long ORRRRRRR
you can be the bigger person !! Give it all back ! Or be classy and do not ask for anything back! let "bye gones be bye gones". 

Like many people when you are in a situation that you perhaps thought was forever and it doesn't work out, its easy to hold on to anything and everything that stops you from facing reality that it's simply over. someone recently told me "Change is the only constant thing in life" and instead of fighting it embrace an end of a chapter because 80% of the time you look back and think i'm so much happier. 

Personally I’m a burner, I find it ever so soothing to burn things out of my life.  I just really feel when you keep some things of an ex relationship they linger like a big black cloud over your new one and as the humans we are, we start secretly comparing. "oooh my ex could get me a celine bag, this guy can kiss good but river island though?", Guys do it too "ooh my ex was really homely she got me these nice beddings, this girl looks good but can’t even make a bed!" you completely miss the point of why you are not with your ex and you trim the new guy or girl's fare shot at winning your heart and you remain stuck on stupid!!

So there you have it, whether you decide to pawn, burn or bin it ... it's over Give it All Back!!

Agree or Not, Leave a Comment Below of what you do with ex relationship goodies Cuz’s that’s how Scarlet C's it

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