Saturday, 15 February 2014

How He Makes me Feel☺️

Wonder if he knows that he got me at "hello"! All I was praying for was "please don't say anything stupid to ruin this perfect image ";  A perfect image of him being humble , charismatic , gentle, confident not cocky, the gentleman version of swagger "sauve" , flirty with a little modesty turned up where appropriate! Lool* .... He kept ticking the many boxes I had lined up in my head and just like that my face lit up. 

So we chat for a while and immediately I recognise his work ethic, his ambition, his desire to be the best! (What I Love about him the most) . His desire to be a provider not only for his mum and family but his future unknown family ,lets me know I can depend on him to keep his word and try his best every time he makes a promise.

Everyday I look forward to a conversation with him because it's like a haven of fantasy , a time and place where everything in the world stands still and it's just me and him. The baritone of his voice makes me  giggle and ignites a fire inside me that makes me want to lock my lips with his only stopping to take in some air.

We call our conversations "a no judgement zone" , a place to express how we really feel without any fear of repacautions or condemnation! This has allowed our friendship to grow with both of us feeling safer everyday to reveal our inner most stories and sexual fantasies! 

Lately I suffer from insomnia , daydreaming about the things we could be , I get the feeling that it would be so calm , so easy and free because he might be different but his so much like me! 
Other guys have faded into non-existence because there is no doubt in my mind his the only man I want!

I wasn't ready for this , I wasn't ready for this free fall ! This loss of control! In one breathless moment He made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world that's crazy about him 🙈💋

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