Thursday, 16 February 2012


In recent yearly  events the most popular day of love dawned upon all of us yet again  soon yep that's right the day where male vs female expressions of love is battled out and  put to the test , marked, and graded, you know our favourite Day of the year ST Valentines Day.

So this year I made it my personal mission to pay close attention to all the couples and singletons around me so i could write this and give you advice on how to make your next Valentines dose one that is more torelable.

I noticed a few trends toward the run up to the 14th last year, thank God for BBM,๐Ÿ˜‚! I mean 3/4 of the male contacts I have had status updates like "i'm away for a business meeting back in town on the 15th", "Valentines this year has been cancelled do the Math" etc seriously What's Up with that? Ok guys take a chill pill, I get that you do not want to spend money on the girl you are supposedly dating , Lets say really that it is really because you believe that "an expression of love is not done financially only" notice my repetition on "really".๐Ÿ˜‚
I also get that some girls can be really materialistic but really though didn't you know that the girl your with is materialistic before Vals Day?, probably the only reason she is with you is cause you can put out lool and I don't mean in bed fellas , I mean in the form of Pounds and Dollars still๐Ÿ˜ณ
So why go through the trouble of cooking up some MI6 plan on how to fight or ditch your girl for vals day? Just choose the right girls! 
Personally I'm the sort of girl who would just want to spend time with the one  she loves, cook him dinner instead of go out but that's me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ! 
Valentines is like Christmas you celebrate the occasion not mark it! The whole year you acknowledge  Jesus so same goes for your relationship appreciate each other the whole time and    Days like The 14th of February are not full of expectations! *Just saying*๐Ÿ™ˆ

Having said all that I'm sure most of the girls I know will be cursing me right now so men do something special for your lovers this year ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜

Agree or Not leave a comment Cus 
That's how Scarlet C's IT 

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