Friday, 13 January 2012


Someone asked me this question earlier on this week and now I'm asking you so  take a second or two to really think about your answer before giving it,  Because First off it is largely debatable what is actually considered as "Good" in our society. Great???... Do you have an answer???. Now here is the follow up questions for you "So why am I still Single??", "Why am I still poor ?". I had to pause and go back to examine the original question , and really just think  Do Good Girls/Guys always finish last??

Hmm I'm  a nice person, and I was brought up in the light that "you should treat people how you want to be treated", "Good things really happen to Good people ", "there is such a thing as Karma , what goes around certainly comes back around" ......*BIG YAWN*, In Our present society rebellion against social correctness or expectations just seems to win more votes,  be it from Sex to Gossiping, Adultery to Swearing, Womanizing to Prostitution , we more than ever  as a generation inspired to reach for bold new lows in bad behaviour. 
This is the reason why guys would say "You girls always want the bad boy, you say you want a gentleman but you always go for the heart-breaker " and girls say "you guys always say you want the good girl, but you always go for the cheap and easy", "To get to the top You have to step on some toes" or "Well behaved men or women seldom make history"

Society boosts about the "BHAD MAN TING THOU" image and little dare to challenge this, in fact most people like to play in the middle, so a "Person is a Very Good Bad Guy or Girl"

So here's the thing, I don't really have a direct answer for my blog title this week but from personal experience, if you are going to be nice you have to be prepared to get your heart broken because unfortunately nice people always attract very selfish people. It's hard to walk in the shoes of a nice person  for  just one day because their are always the ones wiping away tears, but  Remember this Falling Down Is Not Falling If You Do Not Cry When You Hit The floor!!..... Many people have also turned their Heart Break to Epic success stories ie Adele, Bridget Jones but even though this percentage is way smaller compared to "Bad" people's achievements , the difference is Genuine Good People's Success is Permanent!! 


Agree Or Not?? .. Leave A Comment!!.... Cuz That's How Scarlet C's IT

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